State Ranks #1 in Prescription Opioid Use: How Alabama Rehab Centers Can Help

Alabama ranks #1 in prescription opioid use in the U.S., and issued more than 5.8 million opioid prescriptions in 2015. Last year’s national prescription rate per capita was 0.71 — Alabama’s was 1.2 prescriptions per resident. As a result of high opioid use, the state is facing higher opioid addiction and overdose rates, which could be addressed by Alabama rehab centers that specialize in treating opioid addiction and dependency.

If you’re addicted to heroin or opioid painkillers, understand that the best way to overcome your addiction is to get help. Call our confidential helpline at 888-414-2380 to learn more about your options for treatments and rehab centers that can put you on the path to improved health and sobriety.

Why Alabama Ranks #1 in Opioid Use

Prescription Opioid Use

Alabama political campaigns receive thousands of dollars from drugmakers, which influences their policies.

A joint investigation by The Associated Press and the Center for Public Integrity found that drugmakers of prescription opioids are spending millions on political campaigns to influence state and federal policies associated with opioid use. Alabama political candidates and parties received over $539,350 in contributions from Pain Care Forum members in the last decade. The Pain Care Forum is comprised of healthcare organizations, companies, and advocacy groups devoted to improving pain management.

Many are saying that these contributions have influenced lawmakers to rule in favor of policies that promote prescription opioid use across Alabama, which is fueling opioid addiction. From 2006 to 2014 in Alabama, state overdose deaths rose by 82% and 5,128 people died from opioid overdoses.

Opioid addiction and abuse not only affects families and residents across Alabama communities, but consumes millions of state and federal resources. Valuable tax dollars are spent on hospitalization and incarceration costs for addicts and drug offenders, while public safety and crime continue to worsen statewide. But addressing opioid addiction directly can help improve the lives of Alabama residents, and free up resources for the state.

Treating Opioid Addiction at Rehab Centers

Inpatient and outpatient rehab centers offer several treatments designed to help opioid addicts successfully overcome addiction. Inpatient rehab centers are residential programs that offer safe, structured environments for patients who want to minimize distractions and focus strictly on recovery. Patients can avoid being exposed to opioids and negative influences that trigger drug use, and undergo detox with 24/7 access to medical support.

Outpatient rehab centers are more ideal for those who struggle with mild opioid addictions, and offer therapy and counseling sessions aimed at treating underlying causes of addiction. Patients may receive prescriptions for medications that treat addiction, and are allowed to live at home during treatment. Many doctors recommend going to inpatient rehab centers for opioid addiction treatment, as these programs have been proven effective at helping patients achieve sobriety.

Patients who go to rehab centers for opioid addiction first go through detox to overcome dependency on opioids. Following detox, patients attend individual and group counseling sessions to learn how to overcome addiction and avoid future relapses. Patients also learn the importance of nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits, and how these factors play a role in ongoing sobriety.

If you live in Alabama and are struggling with opioid addiction, call our helpline at 888-414-2380 to learn more about your options for rehab centers. Our treatment specialists will help you find nearby Alabama rehab centers that can successfully help you overcome addiction so you can get back to the people and activities you love the most.

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